Man wearing The S.A.D. Aviator from Kirk Originals

Getting Kirk Originals to look as Original as their shades.

Kirk Originals is a London-based eyewear maker that draws inspiration from perennial styles from the postmodern movement that was worn by beloved trailblazers fitted with a non-conformist attitude. Upon appointment, Studio Graft needed to elevate the brand aesthetically whilst improving the overall user experience, all of which needed to sit alongside third-party applications and checkout providers like Global-e.

Alongside the redesign and build of the website came the ongoing marketing through on-site, email marketing, paid media, and organic social media. We crafted clear pillars of engagement for the business that allowed us to showcase Kirk Originals’ unique proposition and heritage via branded content pieces with international journalists like Benedict Browne, Anna Prendergast, and Charlie Thomas.


Design, Development, Digital Marketing, Production


UX design, Shopify build & support, Integration, Marketing strategy, Data management, Paid media, Content writing, Social media management, Email marketing
Stubbs & Wootton slippers on a silver tray
Studio GraftSG × Stubbs & Wootton